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- •Comic Toranoana
How to buy from Comic Toranoana
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What is Toranoana?
Comic Toranoana, also known as Toranoana, is one of the most popular sites for Japanese manga and animation fans. Indeed, this store chain has specialized in products related to the doujinshi culture which means cultural items inspired by popular series but made by fans.
Toranoana international shipping
You cannot request international shipping from Comic Toranoana website. But that's not a problem! It will not be necessary to buy airline tickets for Japan to be able to purchase doujinshi at a physical point of sale. Japan Rabbit's Proxy Purchase Service can help you purchase any of the products on the Toranoana site, even adult-only items. We have created a small tutorial to explain how to buy on Comic Toranoana using Japan Rabbit. You will find it below. We hope to answer all your questions. If you still have questions, do not hesitate to consult our support.
How to order from Toranoana?
Step 1: Go to the Comic Toranoana website and select the product category
The Comic Toranoana online shop can be found at toranoana.jp. You can browse that site in two different ways: by using the list of highlighted products on the homepage or by utilizing the left-side menu.
New and best-selling products
The main page of Comic Toranoana displays a slider on which you will find the novelties and the most awaited pre-order items. Under this slider, you will find the top-selling doujinshi for men and women. Then information about new products added in the shop.
Main menu
The main menu is on the left sidebar. This navigation bar is divided into five parts:
- 通信販売 (Tsuushin hanbai): List the physical products. This category has several subcategories that will allow you to define if you want to see adult-only products or not and if you are looking for a cultural item targeting a male or female audience. We will describe these sub-categories in more detail afterward.
- 店舗 (Tenpo): This part will not interest you if you want to shop online since it includes various information about physical Comic Toranoana outlets in Japan. We will not talk about it on this page since our goal is to buy products from home.
- 電子書籍 (Denshi shoseki): List the doujinshi sold in digital format. As with physical products, several subcategories will allow you to view products containing adult or non-adult content or targeting men or women. We will discuss this further in the article.
- 情報 (Jouhou): This part allows you to know the latest news of the doujin world. All this information is only written in Japanese.
- クリエイター向け (Kurieta-muke): This part is reserved for creators. It will not interest you unless you are a member of a doujin circle. We will not discuss it on this page.
As mentioned above, the sections listing the physical and digital products are divided into subcategories. For physical products, we can count five of them:
- 通信販売 (Tsuushin hanbai): General tangible products.
- 通信販売 R-18 (Tsuushin hanbai R-18): Adult-only physical products.
- 女性向け通販 (Josei-muke tsuuhan): Tangible products targeting a female audience.
- 女性向け通販 R-18 (Josei-muke tsuuhan R-18): Adult-only physical items targeting a female audience.
- AQUAPLUS通販 (AQUAPLUS tsuuhan): Products made by the publisher Aquaplus.
Digital products are sorted into four subcategories:
- 電子書籍販売 (Denshi shoseki hanbai): General digital items.
- 電子書籍販売 R-18 (Denshi shoseki hanbai R-18): Adult-only digital products.
- 女性向け電子書籍 (Josei-muke denshi shoseki): Digital products targeting a female audience.
- 女性向け電子書籍 R-18 (Josei-muke denshi shoseki R-18): Adult-only digital products targeting a female audience.
With all this information, you are generally able to find the categories in which the products you are looking for are located. So you can go to the second step of this tutorial, in which we explain how to choose your doujinshis.
Step 2: Browse subcategories
If you have chosen one of the adult categories, you must confirm that you are over 18 before you can access the list of hentai doujinshi on Comic Toranoana. All pages in the product subcategories are similar in structure. They all have a left-side menu on which you can filter items based on many criteria. On the central part of the page, you will find the following sections:
- Information about site updates and doujinshis circles.
- A list of highlighted products.
- The product recommendations (by media type) of this subcategory.
- The top sales in this subcategory.
All you have to do is find the products that interest you!
Step 3: Analyze product pages
Once you click on a product, you will come to its dedicated page. You will find additional pictures, features, and a description of the product.
Step 4: Tell us what to buy
After listing all the products, you want to buy on Toranoana and other Japanese sites, go to the Japan Rabbit app. You will only have to copy and paste the links of each one of the pages of the products which interest you in the field "Link of the Product." You will need to provide additional information such as their price (in Japanese yen), and the color or the size of the objects when necessary. You will have to repeat this task for each of the products you want to buy. Once you have finished adding all the products to your cart, you will only have to validate your order. You can then wait for the time that one of our buyers is in charge of ordering all your products.
Step 5: Consolidate, repack, and ship your package to your place
You will receive an email notification when we have completed your order and when we receive your package at Japan Rabbit. At this point, you can ask that we ship the parcel directly to your address abroad. But we can also repack your package or combine several packages if you want to save on international shipping costs. Once you have chosen your shipping method, you will have to wait for a few days or two weeks depending on the shipping method you selected.
What to buy?
Doujinshi: fan-made works
Comic Toranoana is one of the web references for buying doujinshi. Many fan circles are pre-orders of their creations on this substantial otaku online store. These works made by amateurs can take several forms:
- Light novels and fanfictions are sometimes associated with illustrations created by fans.
- Manga, the famous Japanese comics.
- Anime (sold on DVD or Blu-Ray), cartoon adaptations of manga.
- Figures, feature (most of the time) characters from manga, anime, or video games.
- Video games are often inspired by works coming from other media.
- Music (sold as MP3s or on CDs), can be original soundtracks, Vocaloid, or more traditional J-Pop.
Like its main rival, Melonbooks, Comic Toranoana sells both tangible and digital items. If you are looking for digital products, we’ll give you more information about them in the FAQs. Please, take a look! We invite you to read our information page on doujinshi to learn more about this type of Japanese amateur work or to discover other sites on which you can buy them.
Many doujinshi works can be categorized in the Hentai section. It is therefore normal that Toranoana offers this kind of item. Adult-only products are in categories that are well separated from the rest of the site ( please, don’t click on the links below if you're not an adult):
- Tangible hentai products.
- Tangible hentai products targeting women.
- Digital hentai items.
- Digital hentai items targeting women.
How much to spend on Toranoana for free shipping?
Domestic delivery charges (i.e., from Toranoana to an address in Japan) are free from 9720 yen (excluding tax) purchase on the site. This means that if the amount of your products cost more than 9720 yen, Japan Rabbit will not add those domestic delivery costs to your final bill. You will only have to pay the international shipping costs. The value of these international shipping fees can be simulated with our shipping cost calculator.
How to search for doujin circles on Toranoana?
You can find the fan circle that produced an item in the description of this product. The name of the group is next to the heading "サークル名". If you click on the name of the circle, you will come to a page that will list all the other achievements of this group of fans.
How do you tell if an item is a physical copy?
You will find both physical and digital products on Comic Toranoana's website. You can find every digital item on Comic Toranoana in the ebook category. You can see that the logo and the website design are turning green when you enter that part of Toranoana's webshop. Moreover, the name of the website is followed by "電子書籍" (Denki Shoseki) which means "Ebook" in Japanese. Ebooks targeting a female audience are in a specific subcategory. Whether you decide to buy tangible or digital products, we can buy them for you and then ship them to you. In the case of immaterial goods, we will send them as attached files to your email address or store them in a dedicated space if they are too large.
How to tell if a doujinshi is a novel or a comic?
It is not always indicated if a product is a light novel or a manga in the title of the book. That's why we recommend using product listings to be sure. Just go to the line "種別 /サイズ" in the product description. If this line says "コミック", it is a comic.
What does Toranoana mean?
The official name of this store chain is "Comic Toranoana", but customers often shorten it to "Toranoana" or even "Tora". The “Toranoana” name comes from Tiger Mask, a manga written by Ikki Kajiwara and published by Weekly Shonen Magazine between 1970 and 1971. In this Japanese comic, a professional wrestling company has this name.
Where are Toranoana stores in Japan?
Toranoana is not only a website, but it’s also a store chain. There are several Comic Toranoana points of sale in the major cities of Japan, like:
- Tokyo: 16 shops, including six only for the neighborhood of Akihabara and two in Ikebukuro. This figure also includes stores located in the suburbs of the Japanese capital, such as Machida, Omiya, Chiba, Fujisawa, Utsunomiya.
- Osaka: Three stores in the city and one in Sannomiya, a commuter town.
- Other cities with one Toranoana shop are Sapporo, Sendai, Niigata, Nagoya, Shizuoka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Okayama, and Fukuoka.
The only shop outside of Japan is in Taipei, on Taiwan island.