- Japan Rabbit
- •Pixiv Booth
How to buy from Pixiv Booth
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What is Pixiv Booth (booth.pm)?
Owned by Pixiv, Booth is an e-commerce website where many artists choose to sell their works due to Pixiv being the top website in Japan for artists. Anyone is able to create their own online store here for free and many doujin creators do so, because Booth also handles payment, storing merchandise, and shipping for the artist.
Why buy on Pixiv Booth from overseas?
Pixiv’s Booth is becoming one of the top online stores that doujin creators use as a way to sell because of its convenience. When the creator registers, they will be able to sell both digital and physical goods through it. There is even the pixivFACTORY option where the creator can even manufacture items through pixiv like phone cases, totes, mugs, t-shirts, and many more. Many popular doujin creators use Booth and will open up preorders for their new works through that. This is one way to guarantee that you will get your favorite creator’s works before they sell out and then need to play the waiting game on the aftermarket if it ever shows up!
Does Pixiv Booth ship overseas? Can you buy outside of Japan?
Most Japanese creators do not ship abroad. If their work is manufactured or stored in pixiv, pixiv does not ship abroad either. To ensure that you get what you want, it is best to use a proxy buying service, like Japan Rabbit.
Japan Rabbit, your proxy service in Japan
Anything you see in Booth, as long as it is in stock, Japan Rabbit will be able to buy it for you. We pride ourselves in being able to help overseas shopping buy-and-ship nearly anything from Japan. For more information on our service, have a look at our homepage.
How can I browse in English?
Because most creators are Japanese, most of them may not speak English. Therefore the descriptions for items being sold are not available in English. The best way to translate the website and content is to use Chrome’s Google Translate browser extension.
Can I use PayPal?
We are no longer able to accept payment by PayPal. We’re working with PayPal to resolve this issue. See the payment methods we currently accept in the Japan Rabbit Help Center.
Is Pixiv Booth safe?
Pixiv, and by extension, Booth, are both recognized sites in Japan. If you are feeling unsure, we hope we can alleviate those fears, as many overseas shoppers use Japan Rabbit to buy from Booth so our team is knowledgeable and experienced in buying from there!