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- •Uniqlo Japan
How to buy from Uniqlo Japan
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Why buy on Uniqlo Japan online store?
Are you thinking about checking out Uniqlo Japan? If you’re a fashionista looking to stay on top of the Japanese latest trends, we definitely recommend taking a look. Uniqlo Japan is one of our favorite Japanese clothing companies due to the vast number of styles available for men, women, girls, boys, and even infants! What we love about Uniqlo is their dedication to quality. Not only does this retailer continually strive for better innovation, comfort, and design but they’ve vowed never to stop evolving and make simple made better. It’s rare that you find a clothing company so dedicated to improvement. Not only that, they are constantly adding more categories and partnering with some pretty cool brands. For example, they included their Magic For All Collection where they’ve teamed up with the Walt Disney Company to bring a delightful collection of graphic tees, sweatshirts, dresses, and more for all ages.
International Shipping
If you’re interested in buying from Uniqlo Japan, you should note that they can’t ship abroad. Save yourself the trouble and the additional fees and use a service like us, Japan Rabbit! Using a proxy-buying service cuts out all of the confusing hassles. Trust us when we say you don’t want to be stuck on the phone for an hour just trying to order a $30 blazer. Just leave all of that to us!
Is Uniqlo cheaper in Japan?
Believe it or not, Uniqlo Japan is much cheaper in Japan than any of their other physical retail locations around the world. This is because Uniqlo Japan is a Japanese brand that originated back in 1949. Not only will the prices be more affordable in a Uniqlo Japan store in Japan but you’ll also see one-of-a-kind styles that you’re not likely to find anywhere else.
What to buy on Uniqlo Japan website?
Japan-exclusive collaborations
Another reason we love Uniqlo Japan so much is their exclusive collaborations. You’ll find everything here from Hana Tajima, Mobile Suit Gundam 40th Anniversary collection, KAWS X Sesame Street, and more.
If you’re looking for something more traditional, Uniqlo Japan is still the answer. In fact, Uniqlo Japan is renowned for its comfortable and affordable yukata. Yukata, if you’re not familiar, is a traditional casual garment worn by both men and women in Japan. You will love the cool comfort and popular patterns of these classic pieces.
Heattech clothing
Heattech clothing is one of the many ways Uniqlo Japan has taken over the fashion world. This revolutionary technology is lightweight, stretchy, and warm, and it actually shrinks to fit your body. It’s unlike any other brand out there and continues to grow in popularity year after year.
Where can I find the Japanese size chart?
If you’re not sure how Japanese clothing will fit abroad, we’ve got you covered. To find a Japanese size chart head on over to our Japanese clothes size conversion charts.
How to browse in English on the Japanese website of Uniqlo?
If you’re not a native Japanese speaker, you can translate Uniqlo’s website by using Google Translate extension on the Google Chrome web browser.
Are Uniqlo products all made in Japan?
If you’re wondering whether all Uniqlo products are made in Japan the answer is yes with some exceptions. Due to the fact that Uniqlo partners with many brands and features exclusive, outside, collections not all of the products can be made in Japan.
Where are the stores in Japan?
If you’re heading to Japan, you have to stop by one of the Uniqlo Japan stores. You can find a store pretty much anywhere in Tokyo and smaller chains in Osaka, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Okinawa, Aichi, and more. We recommend that you head to their largest flagship store in Ginza for the largest selection!