- Japan Rabbit
- •Rakuma (Fril)
How to buy from Rakuma (Fril)
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What is Rakuma?
Rakuma, formerly known as Fril, is a Japanese C2C marketplace owned by Rakuten that is primarily accessed through a mobile application. Similar to its competitors, Mercari and, Rakuma is another marketplace that was quick to jump on the mobile shopping trend and now boasts over 10 million downloads.
Why use a proxy buying service to shop on Rakuma?
Rakuma is a dynamic marketplace featuring a wide selection of second-hand merchandise sold by thousands of individuals. It’s important to note that most sellers, on the Rakuma app, aren’t willing to ship their products abroad. Additionally, you should know that if you’re outside of Japan, you likely won’t be able to download or register the app at all. One of the only ways to gain access to the goods on the Rakuma app, from abroad, is through a proxy buying service like Japan Rabbit. Japan Rabbit is your ticket to affordable consumer-to-consumer deals. Instead of missing out on one-of-a-kind Japanese products, we make it easy to place international orders through our simple, four-step, process. If you are interested in learning how to access the Rakuma app abroad and place your first order, keep reading!
How to buy from Rakuma when you live abroad?
Step 1: Go to fril.jp
If you want to check out what the Rakuma app has to offer, but you don’t live in Japan, you can head to the website instead. The Rakuma website will allow you to see what is available without having to download a mobile application. If you’re having trouble translating the product names or filters, download the Google Translate plugin for Google Chrome. Go to Fril.jp
Step 2: Search for items you may like
The next step to purchasing an item from Rakuma, using Japan Rabbit, is to search for the items you want. The search bar at the top right-hand side of the page, along with the categories and filters, will help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Once you’ve found the product you’d like to purchase, simply copy the URL on the address bar at the top of the page.
Step 3: Tell us what you want to buy
After you’ve copied the URL, you’ll want to head over to our web app and paste it into the bar that says “product web page.” This page is where you’ll tell us what you want to buy and where we’ll tell you how much it’ll cost. All you have to do now is click the green “next” button to complete the quick checkout process.
Step 4: Repack, consolidate and ship your package
Once your product arrives, we’ll notify you and give you a list of the next steps and options. These next steps include sending the product to your location, consolidating multiple orders, and repackaging the item, or items if the original protection is subpar. After you let us know how you’d like to receive your product, all you have to do is wait for it to arrive.