shopping bunny

Japan Rabbit Changelog

In June, we celebrate onboarding our first customers

After nearly two-years of work, in June 2022, we onboarded our first Japan Rabbit customers. A big thank you to those of your who volunteered for our Early Access Program. You helped us find a lot of issues.

We added a feature to allow customers to declare their own Customs value.

Japan Rabbit Customs Value UI

This is something we never had in White Rabbit Express.

We polished our UI/UX

  • Improved the design of the Pricing page
  • Updated the 404 graphic
  • Changed the style of the Add Address feature in the Checkout process
  • Updated the style and color of the popover to match the brand style
  • Made various style and copy edits to the Customer UI
  • Added a total to the customs value
  • Updated the placeholder image for missing items
  • Improved the copywriting on the Customs page
  • Improved the animation and text on the cart loading page
  • Enhanced the copy on Checkout validation issues
  • Improved the design of the Order Success page, including adding a graphic and confetti
  • Improved the payment method selection process
  • Improved the pre-approval explainer in the Checkout process.

And, we crushed dozens of bugs, to serve you better. 🐞🔨

  • Add "count from customs queue" to Dashboard
  • Add link to Service Task details on Service Task page
  • Add tests for allowing customers to declare their own customs value
  • Add back "Edit Cart" link after it was removed during redesign
  • Allow buyers to add notes for receiving and packing teams
  • Update copy about credits in Wallet
  • Convert metrics to list view on Admin Dashboard
  • Create mocks for testing scraping functionality
  • Disable Auth0 verification emails during Early Access onboarding
  • Fix bug where assigned credit card is not available for purchasing
  • Fix bug with customs on Purchase History page
  • Fix bug where fulfillment staff cannot print more than one barcode at a time
  • Fix issue with invalid order total calculation
  • Fix bug where customers see "NEW" packages on Order Details page (should only see "RECEIVED" and beyond)
  • Fix issue with adding PayPal as a payment method.
  • Fix issue with missing input control for setting customs type
  • Fix "no rates" and "internal error" messages during checkout shipping estimate
  • Fix routing issues on fees page
  • Fix link to service fees on home page
  • Format display of storage bins on all views
  • Hide address selector if no address is present on Checkout page
  • Hide Terms of Service checkboxes after first order on Checkout page
  • Make it easier to discover how to end impersonation (admin feature)
  • Make title in match-verify link to product page and remove shop link
  • Link product title to product page in Receiving view
  • Make UI improvements to Customs category selection tool
  • Move status badge from Receiving view to prevent it from blocking images
  • Post to Slack when a new order is created
  • Prevent cart checkout when user's primary address is from a blacklisted country
  • Remove Help Scout integration
  • Remove welcome message from Front Chat
  • Show country and payment method on Purchasing view
  • Show item details during "review and checkout" step on Checkout page
  • Show photo and item info during measure step on Receiving view
  • Show receiving and arrival queue metrics on Dashboard
  • Simplify validation on Checkout page
  • Tidy up dashboard design on Admin page
  • Update badges to use accent blue color
  • Update cart style
  • Update company address in iubenda Terms of Service
  • Update header style on Admin page